The COVID-19 pandemic has quickly changed our lives in ways that will last for many months, and perhaps years. Sweeping indiscriminately across borders, it has reminded us that the challenges faced by humanity often know no boundary. Even as it has separated us, the shared experience has brought us closer together.
COVID-19 has taken away our ability to travel and even our ability to gather together in Oklahoma City to celebrate foreign cultures. It hasn’t, however, taken away our empathy and our concern for our friends who are suffering in our Sister Cities. Our newest Sister City is Piura, Peru. We had planned our first community trip there in May, now canceled by COVID-19. Piura has been hit hard, and our Sister City organization is supporting the people there through donations. We continue to pray for all our friends in all our Sister Cities around the globe. We know they pray for us.
Unlike any crisis since perhaps the Second World War, everyone around the globe is truly all in this together. We will emerge with stronger bonds and an even greater appreciation for the common humanity we share.
David Holt
Mayor of Oklahoma City